معاون دانشجویی

معاون دانشجویی

 Dr. Ali Hafizi  




Notifying of all approvals, regulations and by-laws issued by the President of the University to the relevant units and following up and supervising their proper implementation

Codifying of bylaws and instructions and meetings related to the duties of the deputy to propose to the competent authorities for approval

Providing the necessary explanatory reports to the president of the university regarding the duties related to the supervised units

Proposing qualified people to hold managerial positions in the field of vice-president of the university

Supervising the affiliated units in order to ensure the proper execution of their duties

Planning, organizing activities and proposing the annual budget of the relevant deputy in accordance with the priorities of the university and performing administrative and financial affairs related to the field of the deputy

Collaborating with other deputies to improve the implementation of university programs

Managing and supervising the proper implementation of all student affairs of the university, in accordance with the relevant approvals, regulations and by-laws

Launching and managing the process of university student affairs counseling in the fields of education, welfare, health

Supervising the activities related to the facilities that can be provided to students and their welfare programs

Planning to manage and promote the union, welfare, health and well-being of university students

Monitoring and evaluating the union, welfare, health and well-being of students and staff and submitting a report to the president of the university

Creating the ground for students' participation, support and empathy to improve the situation of the university

Performing other tasks assigned by the president of the university